Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 3, day 5: I can drive!

At the physical therapy, the therapist watched me walk in my brace without crutches. She approved of the gait--it had just a touch of limp, but seemed OK. Some of the limp felt like it was caused by the pressure of the brace.

So I am now cleared to walk without crutches! I am going to leave one crutch in the car, just in case, if I go to a mall or some crowded place, such that people wouldn't bump into me.

And best of all, I can drive!!

I drove home from work. It was so great to drive again. I have to be a little careful, trying to pivot the foot less and shift it between pedals more. Trying to heel'n'toe downshift less. Still, it's very great to be able to drive again. I really missed it.

Feels like my quads are firing more when I do static quads. So that's a good sign.

Did ROM exercises and a 5-minute prone hang at night before bed.

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