Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 3, day 4

Still using one crutch, even though I can probably manage without. Trying to pay more attention to turning today and trying not to twist at all on my right foot. I think I didn't pay as much attention to that since Monday, but I hope I didn't mess anything up (I didn't think I twisted far at all, but I was twisting more than I am now).

Tomorrow at the PT, we are going to re-evaluate my walking and see if I can be cleared to walk crutchless. Yesterday, the PT was suggesting using one crutch as a publicly-visible "I'm injured" marker. That makes a lot of sense. I think that when I am walking without a crutch, I may still grab one crutch if I'm going somewhere with a bunch of people.


Did ROM exercises at work before lunch.


Hopped on the stationary bike at work for 10 mins before leaving.

Did ROM exercises, straight leg raises and stretches. Prone hangs for 5 minutes with 5lb ankle weight. (unpleasant!)


  1. Hi there mate.
    Just stumbled on your blog and want to wish you good luck with your recovery.
    I had the exact same operation exactly 2 weeks ago after tearing my acl and mcl.
    I've been following some of your tips. Atm i am about 2 degrees off full flexion and walking without crutches.
    All the best.

  2. Jeff, thanks for your comment. 2 degrees off full flexion only after 2 weeks? Nice! Good luck to you too!

  3. Fantastic progress - you did everything right. By the way, have you gotten a knee brace yet? My PT recommended I consider wearing that externally after losing crutches for the whole "public awareness" thing. Personally, I found it uncomfortable - but it's another option.

  4. Yes, I have been wearing the uncomfortable knee brace. It sucks! My surgeon also mentioned that one of its functions is public awareness.
