Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 3, day 1: Evening

The PT assigned the following exercises to be done on a daily basis:

* static quads (5 sec hold), 30 reps, 2x day
* towel-assisted terminal knee extension (10 sec hold, see *A below), 10 reps, 2x day
* active-assisted heel slides (10 sec hold), 10 reps, 2-3x day
* straight leg raises, no weight, 3 sets of 15 reps, 1x day
* side leg raises, no weight, 3 sets of 15 reps, 1x day
* heel raises, 3 sets of 15 reps, 1x a day
* calf stretches, gently (twice, 30 second holds for all stretches)
* towel-assisted hamstring stretches (see *B below), gently
* prone hangs (to straighten), no weight now, but 3-5 lbs later, 3-5 minutes, 2x day

I did all of these before bed! (Obviously, things that are 2x day I did only once)

Let's hope I can follow this schedule every day.

The PT said to do strength (leg raises) every day until we start adding ankle weights, at which point the strength exercises will be done every other day.

Time to ice the knee and hit the hay!

... p.s.:

detail on exercises:

*A - sit on the floor, leg straight, place a towel or belt around the foot. Pull the foot towards myself, lifting it slightly, while pushing the knee down like a quad set.

*B - lay on my back, leg straight, place a towel or belt around the foot. Raise the leg, keeping it straight, pulling towel to assist until a stretch is felt.

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